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A member registered Aug 07, 2021

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The abandoned mansion, im not currently home, but I know of the abandoned house that has a secret door under the bed, where you come out from at the start of the game, and I know of the other abandoned house in carceburg. So im looking for the third one.

Quick question, how do I get to the abandoned mansion? I just reinstalled this game after a long absence.

if you haven't found out yet, search the tower for the soul gem collector, and use it on one of your allies, then plonk it into the golem.

(5 edits)

herb + slime =small hp

Slime + slime = small mp 

Slime + tooth + tooth = atk potion

Rabbit meat = BBQ

Beef = BBQ

Ice core + ice core + ice core = standard MP

Egg + egg = double egg

Egg = boiled egg

Mushroom + mushroom = stew

Tentacle + tentacle = takoyaki 

Slime + tooth = birth control

Red core + red core + red core = Atk potion

Slime + ice core = birth control 

Devil wing + devil wing = small speed potion

Meat + slime = small speed potion

ice core + egg = standard healing potion

Just started playing, and is there any way to get back at klaus? To stop him from coming after me after the patrol?

I got the same bug, so a fix is wonderful to have! Also, I would like to ask if we will ever get a 'masturbate' button both for some new animations, and also a way to just submit to your character getting used instead of having to get hit for it.